Bondage Metall Penis und Hoden Presse Humbler Penis Pranger Extrem - Doppel Penispresse
- Top Qualität.
- Penis Hoden Klemme BIG.
- Metallklemme durch Schrauben justierbar.
- Die runden Metallstäbe liegen angenehm an der Haut.
- Penis und oder Hoden können beliebigst gequetscht werden.
Price check for
Preis in €, Anbieter | Anbieter | Verfügbarkeit & Versand |

|  Amazon

| immediately deliverable Amazon-Versand (nach Deutschland) 4,99 €
Last update: 2022-05-22 21:24:17 (possible price changes) |
Note: No responsibility can be taken for this information. All prices in Euro excluding package and transportation cost. All offers contain the price and availability of the sellers at the time of our last price update. Please note: Prices can differ from the sellers, because it is not possible to update prices in realtime. The binding price is the one you will find on the website of the seller.
Given package and transportation cost has been upgraded on 01.01.2015. Listed shipping costs are only valid to Germany.
Preise je nach Shop inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versand. Für genauere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Onlineshops der Anbieter.